up dated 1/6/2025
Lucky Star Farm is located on the Olympic Peninsula in Port Angeles, Washington. We have raised Dairy Goats since 1977.
Our LaMancha dairy goats have won many national awards, including 2 National Grand Champions, a Reserve National Champion, and we have been the Premier LaMancha Breeder at 2 National Shows. Lucky Star Farm has produced over 120 permanent champions, over 150 LaManchas who have an SG designation, and at least 47 different “Top Ten” does. Lucky Star does and bucks average 15 ELITE honors each year.
Welcome to our website - we hope you enjoy viewing our goats, and the farm. site is under reconstruction for our new circumstances.
On Septemper 1, 2023 the majority of our herd was sold. We kept a few does for family milk and who for odd reasons couldn't make the trip in September. We will be selling most of the doe kids and an occasional buck kid in the coming springs. Also we may have a milker or 2 available.
Planned breedings for fall 2024