
Lucky*Star's RJ Russo 6*M
S-*B Rockin-CB KWY Jiangxi
D- SGCH (pending) Lucky*Star's ME Johansen 5*M

5-03 92 EEEE Johanen page

DOB 3/3//2023



LA 1-05 V V G V 87



1-01 305 3080 116 3.8% 108 3.5%

1-01 324 3219 121 3.8% 113 .5% (extended)

Look at this milk record on an FF yearling! Out of a lovely mammary.




PTI 348 188 WOW!



About Russo: ELITE DOE as a yearling

DNA TYPED --parent verified

Alpha s1 Casein is A/A


Russo may live up to the saying "saving the best until last". She was the only doe in a litter of quads. Believing the superstition that a doe kid in a litter with 3 brothers might not be a breeder we kept her.

Are we excited she proved to be fertile. She had a single doe kid and is milking exceptionally well for a yearling with a high test of 12.9 pounds of milk.

Our goal is for yearlings to milk 2,000 pounds and look at her with 3080!

Like her full sisters she has lovely general appearance.

Her mammary is the best we have seen on a yearling milker.


She has not been shown.



Her appraisal score as a yearling milker reflects her immaturity and we can only assume she will improve her score as she matures.




Russo is bred to *B Little-Walnut LWD Singspiel BUCKS





russo5  russo1  


russo3  russo4

June 2024 as a yearling.