Lucky*Star's RJ Russo 6*M 5-03 92 EEEE Johanen page DOB 3/3//2023
LA 1-05 V V G V 87
1-01 260 2701 101 3.7% 93 3.4% (in progress) Look at this in prgress milk record on an FF yearling! Out of a lovely mammary.
PTI 348 188 WOW!
About Russo: ELITE DOE as a yearling DNA TYPED --parent verified Alpha s1 Casein is A/A
Russo may live up to the saying "saving the best until last". She was the only doe in a litter of quads. Believing the superstition that a doe kid in a litter with 3 brothers might not be a breeder we kept her. Are we excited she proved to be fertile. She had a single doe kid and is milking exceptionally well for a yearling with a high test of 12.9 pounds of milk. Like her full sisters she has lovely general appearance. Her mammary is the best we have seen on a yearling milker.
She has not been shown.
Her appraisal score as a yearling milker reflects her immaturity and we can only assume she will improve her score as she matures.
Russo is bred to *B Little-Walnut LWD Singspiel BUCKS |
June 2024 as a yearling.